Freedom Week

1 Week Intensive 1-on-1 Unblocking Experience with Ivan

Freedom Week is for you if you want to:

Discover and remove what exactly is standing in your way in your work/career, relationships, health, wealth.

Locate and completely erase your biggest negative beliefs and deep-seated internal blocks causing self-sabotage, frustration, and confusion.

This is not "It might work". This will work!

In return, I will want a hug from you. Ok... a virtual hug :)

How Freedom Week works:


Freedom Week consists of three 1-1 video coaching calls: An initial 30-minute call, a deep-dive 90-minute call, and a follow-up 30-minute call. You'll receive the recordings of all three calls.

After you book Freedom Week we will send you a calendar link to schedule your first call.

Karine Lortie


The awareness gained and the pain released have made me free. Free of walking around without other’s stories. Free of living my life and no longer surviving others. Of finally knowing who I am such that I can now tell my story.

Discover and Shift What's Been Blocking You.
Unlock Your Next Level.

Freedom Week

$777 USD

  • One week to your "next-level" You!

Unblock Yourself Now

 Use coupon code FREEDOMJUNE for  $277 discount at checkout only until  the end of June.

Mauricio Carral

 Computer Systems Engineer

I feel like a different person, moving towards my goals with more confidence, with a sense of purpose, empowered, enjoying the journey, and most of all, liberated and free.

Isabella Ferreira

Marketing Specialist

Ivan has the precious ability to guide you back to your center no matter how far you feel from it. He blissfully guides you outside of your loud overthinking loops and excuses, and helps you instantly remove the layers to connect directly to your inner source of power.

Clay Netherlin

Financial Advisor

I've been working with Ivan for a while now. I feel more confident, passionate, and purpose-driven. My business life has improved tremendously and my relationship has also benefited.

Ivan Nikolov

Ivan Nikolov is a tactical spiritualist and depth of life guide.

Ivan serves by guiding purpose-driven individuals to live the lives they were meant to live - not the lives they are now living.